by jurvetson
Use of this or that kind of fabric or insulation caused by the functional purpose of clothing. Hunter's suit should have water repellent, and at the same time, the fabric should "breathe". These qualities have so-called membranous tissue. Sufficiently well known fabric versace shoes, sew from it even special forces uniforms. Company F. Engelispolzuet its analogue - Deer-tex. The secret of this material - in particular the structure of the tissue in which using laser technology burnt-micro. Because they are smaller than the size of a water molecule, the fabric is moisture inside. At the same time, the vapor molecules is smaller and passes freely through the hole. Thus, the fabric, protecting the body from external moisture, while "draining" it from the inside.
Of course, the heater must have the same ability. To do this, most models Deerhunterv used as insulation materials Outlast. They are characterized by the use of heat-sensitive microcapsules which, when the temperature of the body pulls excess heat, preventing overheating hunter under intense physical exertion. When the temperature is lowered versace shoes, returning the heat hunter. Unlike some other heaters, he played an active role in heat transfer, and allows us to restrict this smaller volume, which in turn allows you to significantly reduce the weight of clothes and make it more free. Temperature of different parts of the human body is different. Therefore, the amount of insulation in different elements of clothing that serves to reflect this fact.
The costumes FLANMARK.com. especially captivating scrupulous adherence from general to specific. So, are taken into account the wide variety of hunting and the situations in which it may be a hunter, and on this basis, the suit includes certain elements (such as firing from the knee in the middle of the legs have allowances). Moving and taking care of little things, such as: pockets for ammunition, radios or mobile phones, silicone freezing zipper, insert a gun belt to prevent slippage.
For men under Russia's harsh winter, the firm prada shoes for women launched a new model. Suit - jacket pullover and dungarees - clear call http://www.flanmark.com. And jacket itself a full jacket. Insulation is evenly distributed between the upper jacket and full jacket, so even with the cover jacket is not converted into a dimensionless, so that it is perfectly possible to wear in the fall and spring.